Last night 10 lovely ladies (or as we prefer, hot chicks) gathered to salute the last single days of our gorgeous girl, A-down-the-hill who, in two weeks time will 'I do' and morph from S...d to M....y-dom. So how does one do this with appropriate pomp, circumstance and little finesse in this day and age? Well being a bunch of foodies and self-titled gourmands (ie. basically little piggies), we all went cooking...
There was sea bream filleting (getting those pesky bones out is more difficult than it looks!) , then tomato-(for the pasta sauce)-and potato-(for the sea bream)-roasting, salsa verde-making (again for the sea bream), Thai green curry prep-ping (for the vegetarians in the group) and finally the piece d'resistance, the raspberry souffle. But lo and behold, how did that ramekin of salt end up in the saucepan of raspberries - it wouldn't have been one of we enthusiastically helpful ladies who thought it was the sugar that Missa requested, would it?? Just as well Missa had some other fruit 'out the back' so we did not have to go 'souffle-less'. Dear oh dear...
So that's the night (and morning) that was - a tribute to friendship amongst fabulous women and a fitting farewell to singledom for our fair foodie friend.