The thing about the August Bank Holiday in the UK is that it's like this last 'hurrah' of Summer. Even though for the last week it's been cooler on the walk to and from home each day and it's dark enough each night when I get home for me to leave the outside light on when I leave in the morning, there's something about our last long weekend of the year (not counting when the fat man in the red suit visits) that's a little laden with regret.
It's been a cloudy Bank Holiday Monday too - perfect weather for some daytime telly and an indulgent dvd (Julie and Julia if you must know). This has followed on from much sleeping in, considerable reading and highly-intensive jigsaw-puzzling and as a result, I'm feeling extraordinarily relaxed and reflective as I sit down to tap this farewell to Summer post.
And then just as I'm sitting down at my computer positioned smack-bang in my front window, a blinding shaft of sunlight bursts through the clouds - making the late afternoon all golden and hazy for a moment - and then it disappears again. The light is soft and beautiful and takes me back to when I first arrived here and how struck I was by how softly the light bathed everything it touched compared with Australia's harsh and brilliantly hued landscape.
I know it's a day early: but today it's goodbye to cardy-less commuting and twilight evenings around the barbie...
...and welcome to my favourite season of the year, the soft, golden hues of Autumn.