Let's all take a little respite from World Cup mania for a moment and chat about a couple of very exciting occurrences in the GiddayfromtheUK house today:

Eeeeeeeeeeee!!! (that was a squeal of delight escaping)
Sitting beside my blogging-elbow is a sleek and sexy HTC Desire - aptly named as it has just become the object of my Desire...I may be in love....sigh!!! Is it wrong to want to sit and play with it to the exclusion of the glorious day outside?
And that brings us to a nice segue to exciting occurrence number two - the glorious day outside. It's hot peeps, gorgeously and gloriously, sunshine-y, top-down and heat-on-my-face hot...enough for me to have finally taken the fan I bought 2 years ago out of its box last night and assembled it (tapping into my IKEA skills from way back only sans allan key). I am now enjoying its soft background whirr after much pondering about whether it would actually work...
...which segues beautifully into a long-awaited News From The Patch announcement (speaking of wondering about things)... the strawberries are coming! Yes, a couple of tender green berries have appeared amongst the greenery - we are checking on them daily like a couple of proud parents, largely to try to avoid a repeat of last year's berry-napping incident, but also because we are saddos and can't help ourselves!
And although not part of The Patch as such, the other exciting news is that the mini-jet rose bush that J gave me 4 years ago (on our first Valentine's Day together), after blooming marvellously in Year 1 and then stubbornly refusing to be bloomin' anything since, has graced us with two luscious, velvety-red blooms. Could this be a sign, I wonder...persistence, patience and a bit of tough love overcoming the odds to glory in the end?
We could do with a bit of that here!
There are now only 22 sleeps to go people - that's 21 days if you are here in the UK or in Australia - to what I have come to call with considerable affection, 'The Big Birthday - Plus 1'. I have already arranged my first birthday present to myself too - taking a four day weekend! I love weekend birthdays...
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