Theodor Seuss Geisel was born in Springfield, Massachusetts in 1904 and aside from being an animator, cartoonist and artist, under the nom de plume of Dr Seuss he published some of the most notable and loved children's books in history. Who can forget Green Eggs and Ham, How The Grinch Stole Christmas, Fox in Sox, The Cat In The Hat, The Cat In The Hat Comes Back and a whole lot more? Over 200 million of them in 15 different languages. And a Peabody, two Emmys, two Oscars and a Pulitzer to show for it. Now THAT'S prolific.
So imagine when I read that just next week, the new Dr Seuss lost story collection will be out. Discovered like a buried treasure - Carter may have discovered the treasures of Tut but scholar Charles D Cohen has hit the literary jackpot. Here's a snippet to whet your appetite:
One bright sunny day, a young duck named McKluck
Had a wonderful wonderful piece of good luck.
He was walking along when he spied on the ground
A marvellous thing that is quite seldom found.
'Twas a small silver box. And it looked mighty old
And on top of this box, it was written in gold:
"Who finds this rare box will be lucky, indeed,
For inside this box is a Bippolo Seed!
Plant it and wish! And then count up to three!
Whatever you wish for, whatever it be
Will sprout and grow out of a Bippolo Tree."

So here goes...
The Bippolo Tree and Other Lost Stories is out on September 29th.
That's only 7 sleeps to go.
ps...thank goodness I was late and picked up that discarded paper eh? Beats that shoddy 'excuse for a beer' story any day!
I'm firmly in the camp that believes adults should read Dr. Suess regularly. It's good for your heart, mind, soul and outlook.
One of the best things about having children is that you get to read books like this again. Many times!
Linda I agree. A bot of Green Eggs and Ham is perfect for dealing with life's little hangovers!
ps...I have also been found lurking in the children's section of bookstores flicking through other old faves like Meg and Mog, Miffy and the Mr Men series. Mmmm, lots of 'M' words there - how Marvellous!
Matthew, I have no such excuse (childern I mean).
In order not to appear to be skulking around the Children's section of Waterstone's in a less than wholesome manner, do you think should I try and borrow some?
Oh I just read that back - maybe not!! :-o
Apologies for the typos guys - am in a hotel room in Prague trying to type in 'ambient' lighting!
You can't beat Dr. Seuss, good for children of all ages, including 40.
I used to like Janet and John books too, but I doubt they're still around now.
Agree Charlie - although I do find myself hankering after a bit of Poky Little Puppy nostalgia...
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