Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Ask and Ye Shall Receive...

Today is Tuesday, the day that Dr Alan Zimmerman's Tuesday Tip gets delivered to my Inbox.

And today's tip was all in the asking:

"Asking is the beginning of receiving. Make sure you don't go to the ocean with a teaspoon. At least take a bucket so the kids won't laugh at you."  Jim Rohn

As kids, we always took multiple buckets to build our respective castles in the sand so the teaspoon and bucket analogy really hit home.

So I am unearthing a bucket or two and am off to query the world at large - after all, I could do with a little receiving.

Just ask me!

ps... and since this whole post has been inspired in the spirit of ASKING, if you are enjoying my random musings, why not follow me or better yet, you can subscribe and get a little piece of me delivered right to your Inbox, just like Dr Zimmerman!


Linda A. said...

I'm a little slow to read this (digging into my inbox). Love that you are grabbing your buckets to query the world! Too many people wrap up in themselves, and end up missing so much. We only have one ride, better make it the best we can!

Unknown said...

And it's always better exploring these things in company, isn't it?