Sunday, 21 October 2012

This Is My Life...

In perusing my weekend-ly dose of Saturday Times this morning, I read that Deborah Meaden - yes the multi-millionaire businesswoman on Dragon's Den - was a gifted pianist as a child who, upon winning a prestigious music scholarship, decided she wouldn't do it because 'all eyes were upon me and it became someone else's thing.' 

She doesn't say anyone pushed her but does cite her 'refusal to obey orders' in the preamble to this tale. I suspect no-one ordered her to 'do' anything but rather felt that they were merely encouraging what she loved to do anyway and wanted her to fulfil her promise. But now her passion and talent had an expectant audience and it had stopped being hers.

And in her anecdote of childhood wilfulness, I recognised myself and a lifetime of rebellions and I won'ts flashed before my eyes. If you are regular Gidday from the UK reader, you can probably figure out some of these for yourself, my sudden move to the UK being among the most notable.

But there are many - giving up clarinet as a teenager after 9 years of playing, an all-or-nothing approach to my tertiary choice, a double degree that no-one had heard of (no-one did 2 degrees at the same time then) at an institute of technology, rather than a university. Not playing the corporate 'open all hours' game to get ahead, climbing the ladder at a rapid rate anyhow by producing results no-one thought I could. Refusing to fill my life with the work or ambition that 'society' suggested I should in the absence of children. And even now walking away - sometimes mentally as well as physically - from the people and the things that don't work for me.

It took me a long time to reach this point - where my life is mine and mine alone - and to stop feeling battered by the best-intended expectations and good opinions of others. For while my rebellion may have seemed intransient on the surface, it was so often underpinned by guilt and inquisition. Was I cutting off my nose to spite my face? What sort of a person did this make me, this proud and jealously possessive soul?  Selfish, impatient, ungenerous, obstinate and righteous?

These were not 'nice' things to know about myself.

I look back over almost 9 years in London and I am proud of what I've learned from all the challenges I've faced here and how my expat experiences have given a different cast to the way I shape my life. That's not to say that all of those years leading up to January 2004 didn't teach me a thing or two. Things like resilience, resourcefulness and learning to ask for help (although the last could always use a little more practice than I give it).
Somewhere along the way I learned to believe that saying no was valid, that disagreement was OK. That the love and the listening of close family and true friends really was unconditional, whether they actually liked what I was doing or not. That they just wanted happiness and success for me even though the direction I chose did not appear to be the obvious path to them.

Many years ago, I committed to living a life of complete generosity and inspiration. Little did I realise that the biggest bridge to cross was to be those things for myself first before others.

And in this, I finally learned that all of the 'theys' (and that includes all of the 'yous' who might be reading this now) don't have to like my life.

I do.

And that is when I found happiness.

This post is also part of Post of the Month Club - October - pop over to discover more great bloggers.


Travel With Lulu said...

I find this really interesting in the context of raising children. One the one hand, you want them to be accepted by their peers but you don't want them to be lemurs. As an adult, you figure out how to be 'normal' yet how to push the boundaries. But with kids, I struggle more with the lesson... Wonderful post topic and thrilled that you have found the balance to achieve happiness :)

JANE said...

Bravo - it's hard to look at life and be brutally honest about our own expectations for living and fulfilment, particularly when they are defined differently by others around us.
We are so conditioned by 'society' to behave in a certain way we rarely question why we should, and if we do, are often scared to alienate friends and family.
And family... one of the biggest obstacles to personal happiness whether it be parents or children.
Thanks for sharing!

Jack Scott said...

I think we're all destined to disappoint our parents. Many want us to live in their image or try to live vicariously through us. Since we're bound to fail, why bother?

Unknown said...

Happy Homemaker, thanks for your comments. I don't envy parents having to try and walk the tightrope!

Unknown said...

Jane thanks for your thoughts on this. It's such a minefield isn't it? As I was reading the article about Deborah Meaden, I kept thinking 'when does our life really become ours?'

Unknown said...

Ooh Jack what a cynic you are! But I suspect there's more than a grain of truth in what you say.

SelenaThePlaces said...

Very well said! I can really relate. I've always had a stubborn streak. Sometimes a blessing, sometimes a curse. But I wouldn't change a thing. I think the best part of growing up is getting to that place to where you know yourself and you love yourself. Good and Bad.

Thanks for sharing!!

Unknown said...

Thanks Selena - always nice to know that one is not alone in these things!