Lee Crossley actually identifies twelve signs of disappearing Australian-ness but I am pleased to report that I have only identify five signs after seven years of living here:
THE phrases 'Mind the Gap' and 'alight here' no longer seem a tad odd. In fact, I find them quite sweet and quaint. I mean who 'alights' anything any more?
YOU no longer grumble on a crowded tube. Simply hours of fun to be had 'minding the gap' and 'alighting'. Plus no-one likes a whinger.
YOU expect miserable weather. And am conversely delighted to a slightly hysterical degree at any 2 plus run of warm-weather-days. I must point out here that we are classifying mid-20(c)s as blissfully warm. I just do not have the wardrobe/patience to deal with anything hotter any more, unless lying prone next to the pool/beach in holiday repose.
YOU start to wonder where all the English people have gone in London. Yep. Pretty much. I think they all live 'elsewhere'. Like Oxford. Or Spain.
YOU accentuate the ‘ie’ in unbelievable. Actually pronounced un-be-leeeeeeev-able and can be applied to any moment of wonder/dismay/disbelief.
Yes, 5 out of 12. That's 41.66%, an average of about 5.9% a year. By my reckoning, that means this insidious creep will have completely subsumed my Ocker-ness in just under a decade.
Bugger!* Best bring out the big guns...
*Please don't take offence. Click on the link if you really think I am being rude. I am not. Truly. I'm just a laconic, dinky-di colonial.
ps...if you want to keep a watchful eye over my continued
Well I think only 5 out of 12 should be grounds for celebration. Both 'sides' will claim victory! I for one will stay tuned for updates.
Five out of twelve? After 7 years? Good balance I'd say - enough to be settled and comfortable in a culture without sacrificing national identity!
Ladies, thanks for the show of support! I never thought that there was any point in resisting some aclimatisation - after all I did set out to build a life here - but I'm hoping that there's part of me that will always be resolutely and recognisably Australian.
Wow I think you're doing really well. I've only been here three years and when I went home (Aus/NZ) at the end of the year the relies all said I was 'talking posh!'
Vegemite Vix firstly welcome!
I always listened to Elle McPherson and Kylie Minogue and thought to myself 'that all sounds a bit pretentious!'
Oops! Little did I know...
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