Sunday, 22 February 2009

Nature abhors a vacuum

I went to a friend's 40th birthday party last night...Avril and I worked for the same company for a while (she left mid 2008 and I was made redundant in December 2008)...and bumped into some faces I did not expect to see.

Being a redundancy meant that the gap between when I was advised my job was at risk and the actual finish date was only a week so there were many people I had worked with that I didn't get to see before I left. Some of those that I saw last night had only heard I'd left through the company rumour mill - as efficient as ever - but all were surprised I had been on the list to go, were pleased to see me and wished me the best for whatever is next for me.

What really struck me (and it's not the first time) is this whole principle that nature 'abhors a vacuum' and the gap that is created behind you for others and in front for yourself when you leave, is quickly filled as life moves on, as other opportunities for fulfilment and exploration present themselves. It is easy to move so quickly in filling these voids that we miss the chance to get present to our lives developing new shape...I am looking forward to a busy and varied week and am now wondering what new shapes will emerge for me.

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