Sunday, 26 July 2009

5 Sleeps To Go...Success Is

It's only 5 sleeps to go until my 39-ness comes to an end and I embark on the journey into my forties. Not that I particularly believe that one birthday (or day for that matter) should mean more than any other but somehow turning 40 has become a milestone with some significance...

There is no party planned...rather the celebrations are developing more out of quiet joy and thankfulness as opposed to any huge 'whooping it up' and while the big day is yet to arrive (and the presents are still to be opened!), I find myself feeling so very grateful...

...for my wonderful man and our extraordinarily special relationship...

...for being blessed to know and love his kids and be accepted by them...

...for my family who miss me hugely and support my life across the other side of the world anyway...

...for my friends who lean and are leaned know who you are...

...for discovering life's simple pleasures - in nature, laughter, tears and home...


...for having the courage to find 'myself' and to believe I can make a difference, everyday.

There is a poem by Ralph Waldo Emerson called Success Is - Mum always had this stuck on the back of the toilet door and I am still struck by its poignancy.
So I'd like to pass this on to you for all your moments of quiet contemplation...

1 comment:

Carole Kelly said...

Thank you my olovely daughter. It is I who am blessed. Thank you for your willingness to always look ahead, for your acceptance of the rough times and for loving me unconditionally -through it all -... . Talk to you soon Love Mum