One of the perks of temping for me is reading the Metro newspaper every morning over a quiet, pre-work soya cappuccino. It's one of those free papers you get here in London if you are out and about early enough on a weekday and can manage to snaffle one before they all disappear (usually by about 7.30-7.45am). You really only need it for about 15 minutes and its combination of...well...interesting stuff provides a trashy and mindless read to get the brain just out of the trauma state induced by getting up so goddamn early and standing armpit to armpit with total strangers on the tube. Anyway, I was quite startled to learn about the intricacies of camel courting this morning in the following snippet:
Hmmm...let me see...lip-curling dispalys of affection, a 'certain 'coolness' in the morning...starting to sound ominously like some of the dates I've had. However, imagine how excited a fella would be to have an 'internal fridge' just another place to store the beers really...Australian experts my a**e!!
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