A Cry Into The Wilderness...
This mid-week post is a bit of a cry into the blogging wilderness. I 'attended' (for want of a better word) a webinar yesterday where the virtues of Word Press as a website and blog platform were extolled.
But for the last three years I have been resolutely filing post after post after post using Blogger. I have happily fiddled about with formats, added pages and even embarked on a little AdSense experiment and I have to admit, I feel rather attached.
But yesterday's fine Word Press words got under my skin...
So I'm asking for your thoughts: Blogger or Word Press? The pros and cons. The good, the bad and the ugly.
Now, over to you - I'm all ears.
If you have a free Wordpress account, you can't advertise. You can upgrade to a paid WP account and advertise, but that seems to defeat the object unless you more than cover your costs through advertising...
Just my humble opinion - wordpress is great and everyone I spoke to before setting up my blog recommended it. Allows you to start at a basic level and expand it as much as you want.Also allows you to use your own web address (at no cost if you read the small print!) - giddayfromtheuk.com has a great ring to it!!!
Quite a few bloggers I know are currently switching from blogger so guess there must be a reason.
Good luck!
Hi Kym,
Have been trying to post to your blog but just keep being told my google account is not recognised and comment has not gone through.
Knowing how blogger can be (!) it may be you've received a gazillion copies of the same comment for which I apologise.
If not, you won't have received this or anything else either. Catch 22. Lord, I really hate the technics sometimes!
I love Wordpress. I love the designs and I love the ease of use, although I expect Blogger is easy too (never used it).
One thing I don't like about Blogger blogs is that it's always hard to find a way to follow them if you don't belong to Blogger yourself. I finally realized that the RSS link is usually right at thew bottom of the page but it took me a while.
I've found Wordpress to be very search engine friendly too.
But mainly I use it because it's the only blogging platform that is beautiful :)
Ladies, firstly thanks for the rapid feedback.
Kate, I'm not committed to the advertising thing, just experimenting so this wouldn't be a reason to keep me on Blogger - cheers!
Jane, well OMG. There were just a few repeats of your comments so this does not bode well for Blogger. Thanks for persevering.
Louise, one of the key things this webinar pointed out was that Google loves Wordpress (which seems kind of weird given Blogger is a Google product??!) so your search engine experience supports this. Thanks.
So maybe I'll have to play around in Wordpress. Does anyone know how easy is it to transfer content from Blogger to Wordpress?
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